Economic effects of varietal technology on rice productivity in Sharkia Governorate

نوع المستند : Original Article


1 Ministry of local development

2 قسم الاقتصاد الزراعى ,كلية الزراعة بمشتهر ,جامعة بنها


The research aimed at: Studying the development of the area, production and productivity of the rice crop in Sharkia Governorate and the Republic, and estimating the economic efficiency of modern varieties compared to traditional varieties of the rice crop, and the standard analysis of the production costs functions of the rice crop varieties, and the study relied on two types of data: the first of which is secondary data that it prepares and publishes Many official authorities, the second of which is preliminary data for a field sample study in Sharkia Governorate for the agricultural season 2021/2022, and the most important results were: a decrease in each of the cost items of the production process requirements used in cultivating modern varieties compared to traditional varieties, as it turned out that most of the cost items of service operations There is a decrease in crop transportation, cultivation, pest control, fertilization, threshing, and land preparation for cultivation, irrigation, and harvesting, with decrease rates of 31.80%, 27.08%, 27.07%, 23.15%, 18.03%, 14.37%, and 14.20%. And 13.24%, respectively, as it was shown that there was an increase in each of (total revenue, net return per feddan, product incentive, and pound profitability) of modern varieties compared to traditional varieties, and the optimal production volume for the traditional variety was Dim is about 3.71 tons, and the optimal production volume for the modern variety was about 3.61 tons, and the technical efficiency was 0.95, 1.01 for the traditional and modern varieties, respectively .

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