The Future of investment efficiency of food oil industry in Egypt

نوع المستند : Original Article


1 معهد بحوث الاقتصاد الزراعى – مركز البحوث الزراعية

2 قسم الاقتصاد الزراعي – كلية الزراعة بمشتهر جامعة بنها


There is no doubt that investing in the edible oils industry in Egypt is one of the most important areas of investment in the future, as Egypt suffers from a large food gap in edible oils that reaches more than 95% due to the population’s growing need for these products due to the steady increase in the population year after year. This industry also provides investors with many manufacturing and transformational fields with high and rewarding investment returns. There are transformational industries to convert raw materials and primary products into semi-finished products, then convert semi-manufactured products into finished products, in addition to many packaging operations for these products. Recognizing the relative importance of the manufacturing sector in the gross domestic product from the value-added perspective, an important and good indicator regarding whether a structural transformation has occurred in the manufacturing process, i.e. if the manufacturing industrial sector represents an increasing relative weight in the structure of the domestic product. The total, which represents a weight in determining the directions of this structure as a whole or not.
The research problem comes from what Egypt suffers from a severe shortage in meeting the population's need for edible oils. There is a large gap in investment in this industry. Which leads to the urgent need to study the future of investment in this industry and the factors affecting these investments and encouraging work in this field.

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